Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Deleted and Unreleased Scenes — Harry Potter Database

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Deleted and Unreleased Scenes

12 min

In this post, we are going through the deleted and unreleased scenes from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. That includes the deleted scenes found on the home media releases, clips from behind the scenes documentaries and trailers, as well as scenes from the script.

The Prisoner of Azkaban movie was released in 2004. It was directed by Alfonso Cuarón and Steve Kloves wrote the screenplay.

The third instalment in the Harry Potter franchise does not have an extended cut available. When the Ultimate Editions were announced in 2009, it was said that they would include the theatrical and extended version of the films. This is true for the two first movies but for reasons unknown they didn't continue with this for the rest of the series.

Be sure to check out the Deleted & Unreleased Scenes from Philosopher's Stone and Chamber of Secrets as well.


Going back to Hogwarts

Harry asks if the Knight Bus is dangerous

The first cut scene is a line from Harry when he is riding the Knight Bus. In the International Trailer, he asks Stan Shunpike if the Knight Bus is dangerous. Stan says it isn't dangerous as they haven't had any accidents in about a week.

The Knight Bus Spins

The next deleted scene is from the Bonus Features on the home-media releases. This scene shows Harry riding the Knight Bus and it is driving at high speed. As they approach a turn the bus starts to spin uncontrollably. Harry then gets flung in the air and has to hold on to a pole to not injure himself.

Ron’s new wand

When Harry meets Ron and Hermione in the Leaky Cauldron, Ron tells Harry about their trip to Egypt. He also mentions that he got a new wand and this line was not featured in the film.

Harry and Ron at Leaky Cauldron.jpg
Ron mentions he has got a new wand.png

The Trio greets Neville on the train

In the script, the trio greets Neville when they are on the train. This happens before they enter the compartment where Lupin is sleeping.

The Trio greets Neville on the train 1.png
The Trio greets Neville on the train 2.png

Lupin awake as the Dementor enter the compartment

Lupin was originally going to be awake and have flames in his hands as the Dementor enter the compartment. The flames sputter when the Dementor come through the compartment door.

Professor Lupin on the Hogwarts Express.jpg
Lupin awake as the Dementor enter the compartment.png

Divination, Care of Magical Creatures and Defence Against the Dark Arts

Dumbledore's Dialogue about Flaming Kiwi Cups

In Dumbledore's welcome speech, we can read in the script that he was supposed to talk about how much he was looking forward to the feast and especially the Flaming Kiwi Cups. He notes that it is "treacherous" for those who sported beards, like himself.

Dumbledore's dialogue about Flaming Kiwi Cups.png

Boys Dormitory alternate scene

In the script, the scene after the feast in the boy's dormitory is very different from how it is in the movie. The script describes Harry looking at the photograph of his parents and Ron asking him if it's good to finally be home again. We then cut to a shot outside of Hogwarts showing the dementors before we close in on Harry who continues to stare at the photo.

Alternate Scene Boys Dormitory 1.png
Alternate Scene Boys Dormitory 2.png

In the movie, Harry and his friends are having fun eating candy that makes them sound like animals. This is quite a drastic change in tone compared to the script.

Boys eating candy in the dormitory.jpg

Hagrid swats at a bird

This deleted scene is an extended version of a transition scene in the movie. In this scene, we see a bird flying through the grounds of Hogwarts before meeting Hagrid. Hagrid tries to hit the bird, but it manages to fly away. Eventually, the bird is killed by the Whomping Willow. The part where Hagrid tries to swat the bird away does not feel right because he has such a huge love for all creatures. So I am alright with them cutting that part out of the film.

Extended Divination Scene

The Divination Scene was supposed to include some moments and dialogue from the book. The script includes Professor Trelawney saying to Parvati that she needs to beware a red-haired man, foreshadowing her miserable Yule Ball date with Ron. She also predicts that someone will leave the class forever in spring. Professor Trelawney foretells that Neville will break his teacup and therefore asks him to take a blue cup instead of a pink since they are her favourite.

Sybill Trelawney.jpg
Extended Divination Scene 1.png
Extended Divination Scene 2.png
Extended Divination Scene 3.png

Lavender Brown dialogue in Divination

Lavender Brown was supposed to have some lines of dialogue in the Divination class. In the script, she is the one who explains the meaning of the Grim while in the movie the lines are given to Bem.

Lavender Brown in Divination

Lavender Brown in Divination

Bem in Divination

Bem in Divination

Lavender Brown Dialogue in Divination.png
The Grim.jpg

Giant Squid in the Black Lake

The Giant Squid was supposed to appear during the scene where Harry rides Buckbeak over the Black Lake.

Giant Squid in the Black Lake when Harry rides Buckbeack .png

Vampire Boggart in Bikini

Jamie Waylett, who played Vincent Crabbe, revealed in an interview with HPANA that they filmed a scene with Seamus Finnigan's boggart. His boggart is a Vampire and it was supposed to take off its cape to reveal a woman in a bikini. Read the full interview here.

Can you tell us anything about what deleted scenes may be on the DVD? They cut so much from all the movies. At the last launch party they showed a blooper reel put to music. I had to eat trifle for three days and I hate trifle. I was sitting with Tom and Josh and I just turned and threw up into the bowl. Tom and Josh jumped out of their seats. A very funny scene which should be on the DVD (but may not be) - there is a scene with Devon [Murray; Seamus Finnigan] in Lupin's class where Dracula (his boggart) takes off his cape and it's a woman in a bikini. She starts dancing because Lupin is playing music, and we all start dancing and Malfoy just hits me like I'm a dog or something. The conga line was funny, that was cut out too.

If you look very closely while watching the movie, you will see that Seamus stands behind Ron in line to practise "Riddikulus" on the boggart. However, after Ron it cuts straight to Parvati, skipping Seamus entirely.


Another fun fact is that a vampire boggart is also mentioned in the script, however, there it is the boggart of Parvati instead of Seamus. We can also read that Dean Thomas' boggart is the giant cobra, while in the movie this is given to Parvati. This means they probably changed the boggart scene around while filming or in post-production.

Boggart Scene Script.png


Harry and Lupin talks about Hogsmeade

While Ron and Hermione are in Hogsmeade, Harry talks with Professor Lupin at the Hogwarts Bridge. In the script, their conversation was extended with them talking about Hogsmeade. Lupin tries to downplay how he felt about Hogsmeade the first time he went to make Harry feel better but he later admits that he thinks it's a wonderful place.

Lupin and Harry on Bridge.jpg
Harry and Lupin talks about Hogsmeade 1.png
Harry and Lupin talks about Hogsmeade 2.png
Harry and Lupin talks about Hogsmeade 3.png

Harry Receives Sneakoscope in the Great Hall

This deleted scene shows Harry, Ron and Hermione discussing Ron and Hermione's visit to Hogsmead. Ron says he loved the visit, especially Zonkos Joke shop. Hermione on the other hand tries to downplay how much fun they had as not to make Harry jealous. Ron gives Harry a pocket Sneakoscope, an item that lights up and spins when someone untrustful is around.

Sir Cadogan Asks for the Password

Here we see Sir Cadogan guarding the entrance to the Gryffindor Common Room. Dean Thomas notes that Sir Cadogan was given the job due to none of the other portraits wanted it after what happened to the Fat Lady. Neville says that the password is constantly changing so he has begun noting them down on a list.

Snape remarks on the note during Defense class

Draco Malfoy draws Harry being struck by lightning on a piece of parchment and passes it to him during Snape's Defence Against the Dark Arts class. Believing it is made by Harry, Snape remarks that the drawing is not of the quality of Picasso. Snape also tells him that he has to deliver his homework on time like the rest of the class unless he dies during the Quidditch. If he does he need not hand it in.

Draco Note DADA.gif
Snape comments Draco's note in DADA 1.png
Snape comments Draco's note in DADA 2.png

Harry approaches the One-Eyed Witch Statue with the Map

After being given the Maurader's Map by Fred and George, Harry sneaks into the cellar at Honeydukes. He was originally going to be shown entering the secret passageway with the One-Eyed Witch Statue. Harry uses "Dissendium" on the statue to open the secret passage and we see Harry going underground to the entrance of Honedukes.

Harry using the One-Eyed Witch Statue to get to Hogsmeade.png

Giant Squid breaking the Ice

The Giant Squid was supposed to break through the ice on the Black Lake in the transition to spring. This scene is also found in the concept art for the film.

Giant Squid Breaking the Ice.jpg
Giant Squid Breaking the Ice script.png

Sirius Black Attack

Sirius Black Attack in the Gryffindor Dormitory

The scene where Sirius Black enters the Gryffindor Dormitory and attacks Ron and Scabbers is included in the script. The scene begins with Harry in his bed studying the photo of his parents, while the other boys are sleeping. We get some shots outside in the Hogwarts Grounds to raise the tension. It cuts to the seventh floor where the camera moves slowly towards the entrance of the Gryffindor Common Room. Cut to the boy's dormitory, where Harry's Sneakoscope turns on and begins to shriek. Harry sees only the silhouette of the man with the nife who attacks Ron. Harry screams that everyone needs to get out and the attacker darts past him and escapes through the window. Harry notes that the silhouette leaps with an animal's grace before it vanishes. Hiding from the attacker, Ron pokes out from under his bed to ask if he is gone.

Siruis Black Attack 1.png
Siruis Black Attack 2.png
Siruis Black Attack 3.png

McGonagall Lectures Students about the Password

This deleted scene shows the aftermath of Sirius Black's attack in the Gryffindor Boys Dormitory. Professor McGonagall doesn't believe Ron is telling the truth about Sirius Black attacking him. She then asks Sir Cadogan if he let in Sirius Black, and he answers that he certainly did. Black had all the passwords for the whole week written down on a note. McGonagall then turns to Neville and asks if it always has to be him who messes up. She then orders them off to bed again, as Black no longer is in the Castle. Hermione and Ron argue over Scabbers and Crookshanks before Ron goes up to bed. The scene ends with Hermione sitting down beside Harry, who has an intense look on his face. Harry is angry that Black merely were inches away from him and he didn't do anything about it.

Trio arguing on a slope

From photos taken on the set, we know that they filmed a scene on the slope before Hagrid’s Hut. We know Ron and Hermione argue about Scabbers and Crookshanks as we find this scene in the script. They are angry at each other because Ron claims the cat has killed his rat, something Hermione denies. Ron tries to get Harry on his side, but he is unwilling to enter the argument as he already has enough on his mind. Ron snaps back telling him that people could die by being his friend. The mood changes within the group but they continue down to Hagrid to hear how Buckbeak’s hearing went.

Trio arguing on a slope.jpg
Trio Arguing Page to Screen.jpg
Trio arguing on a slope Script.png
Trio arguing on a slope Script 2.png

There is a similar scene in the movie that replaces this scene. Ron and Hermione argue in the Clock Tower Courtyard instead of at the slope. The dialogue is also changed slightly since the Sirius Black attack was cut from the movie.

Trio arguing.jpg

Extended Divination Scene when Hermione Leaves Class

When Hermione storms out of the divination class Lavender Brown was supposed to mention that Professor Trelawney's prediction about someone leaving the class forever came true. Trelawney answers that on certain occasions she takes no joy in her gift of prophecy. The dialogue was probably cut because the mention of this prediction was cut from the film.

Hermione and Trelawney.jpg
Extended Divination Scene when Hermione leaves.png
Hermione leaves Divination Class.jpg

Ron and Hermione’s Awkward hug

IGN got to interview Robbie Coltrane on the set of Prisoner of Azkaban. He revealed that they shot a scene where Hagrid forces Ron and Hermione to hug. You can read the full interview here.

Q: Well we read that...

Well there's quite an interesting piece today where they have to hug. Hagrid insists that Hermione and Ron have a hug. Because they've been fighting all year, you know. So they hug and they [makes retching noise]. So you know, so, that's the only problem with 11-, 12-year-olds. Moments like that.

The script reveals that the scene also includes Hagrid forcing Harry and Ron to shake hands, as they have not been on good terms after their argument on the slope. The hug between Ron and Hermione is described as the most awkward hug Hogwarts has ever seen.

Ron and Hermione hug 1.png
Ron and Hermione hug 2.png
Ron and Hermione hug 3.png
Ron and Hermione hug 4.png

Two Places at Once

Hermione watching her hug with Ron

Harry and Hermione go back in time by using the Time-Turner. They make their way to the pumpkin patch outside Hagrid's Hut. Here they watch as Ron and Hermione embrace awkwardly. Harry finds it funny, but Hermione is analyzing the hug with great fascination.

Harry and Hermione watching themself.jpg
Hermione watching her hug with Ron 1.png
Hermione watching her hug with Ron 2.png

There is no good footage of the awkward hug between Ron and Hermione. However, if you look closely in the window of Hagrid's Hut, it looks like Ron and Hermione embrace each other. This is found in the scene where Harry and Hermione hide behind the pumpkins.

Ron and Hermione Hug (Higher Contrast).gif

Hermione breaking out Sirius

In the movie, the scene where Hermione and Harry break Sirius out of the prison cell is quite short. It was supposed to include Hermione trying out different spells to open the cell, before blasting it open with Bombarda. To add tension to the scene Snape and Fudge were making their way to the top of the tower. Harry, Hermione and Sirius manage to escape just in time to avoid the Potions Master and the Minister.

Harry and Hermione breaking out Sirius.jpg
Hermione breaking out Sirius Black 1.png
Hermione breaking out Sirius Black 2.png

Sirius Black different dialogue

Sirius conversation with Harry at the Clocktower Courtyard is changed in the movie. In the script, Sirius tells Harry that he must trust himself and that he will be surprised how often he can find the answers in his heart.

Sirius and Harry.jpg
Siruis Black different dialogue after being saved.png

In the movie, this conversation is about James and Lily. Sirius remarks that Harry looks just like James, except the eyes of course. He says it's cruel that he got to spend so much time with them and Harry so little. He ends by saying you can always find the loved ones in your heart.

Sirius Black Quote.jpg

Harry and Hermione joking in the hospital wing

After sprinting back ut the Clock Tower, Harry and Hermione see Dumbledore exiting the Hospital Wing. They talk briefly with him before entering the Hospital Wing just in time to see themself go back in time. Ron lying in his bed is completely bewildered by this. Hermione and Harry joke that it's too much to tell Ron at the moment since he has always been the nervous type.

Hospital Wing Scene Script 1.png
Hospital Wing Scene Script 2.png

In the movie, Harry jokes that no one can be in two places at once. This amazing GIF was made by HPStuffs on Tumblr.

Hospital Wing Scene.gif

Lupin’s Office

Harry's conversation with Lupin in his office was a little longer in the script. There they talk about Harry's Patronus and it was a stag. Lupin explains that James used to transform into a stag to keep him company when he transformed into a werewolf. He also tells Harry that there are a lot of stories about James and Lily, but Harry will get to know his parents by getting to know himself.

Harry and Lupin.jpg
Lupin and Harry talk about his patronus.png

Ending scene

In the final scene of the movie, Harry was supposed to joke that the Firebolt was defective. Harry tells the gathering crowd that it is only a broom, but they all moan in disappointment. He then winks to Ron and Hermione and declares it the fastest broom in the world before he jets off in full speed.

The Firebolt.jpg
Ending Scene 1.png
Ending Scene 2.png
Crownd watching Firebolt.jpg

That was every deleted and unreleased scene from the Prisoner of Azkaban movie. If I have missed any scenes, feel free to share it in the comment section or contact me.